Complementary Care for Sleep, Anxiety, Pain-Relief, Menopause

Massage, bodywork, and health consultations to help you heal the root cause.

Downtown Chattanooga, TN


I’m Jennifer Maklan, Licensed Massage Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, and owner of Ancient Traditions.

I specialize in Ayurveda (pronounced like ‘eye-your-vay-duh’), a complementary health system from India that addresses physical and mental imbalances with root cause analysis. 

I have the highest education for Ayurveda available in the U.S. My skillset allows you to receive amazing bodywork and health guidance that’s tailored just for you.

Ayurvedic massage uses long, sweeping strokes, very much like Swedish massage. The experience is soothing, calming, balancing to the mind and body, and tailored to your needs. 

When the timing is right, and you’ve got the right remedies, natural healing is powerful stuff.

Learn more here.

Are you experiencing perimenopause?

The North American Menopause Society defines perimenopause as the span of time beginning with the onset of menstrual cycle changes, and other menopause-related symptoms, through one year after the final menstrual period (menopause). It’s sometimes referred to as the menopause transition.

Hot flashes and sweating, called vasomotor symptoms, are the most commonly reported symptoms of midlife women. These symptoms are experienced for a median of 10 years, longer for black women, and longest in women who experienced the symptoms early in their transition.

Talk to your medical provider if you’re experiencing symptoms like these. Use complementary care like massage and health consultations to ease insomnia, calm anxiety, and relieve pain. Learn supportive food and lifestyle choices, supplements and body therapies that may help make this transition easier.

Get Relief for the Following Conditions





Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Depressed mood


Sleep disturbances



Osteoporosis and osteopenia



Inability to concentrate

Low back pain


Post-exercise stiffness

How Ayurveda Enhances Massage & Bodywork

Ayurveda is the traditional health system of India and probably the oldest health system in the world. Massage and bodywork have been practiced in India for over 4000 years. Ayurvedic herbal oils and powders are specifically selected for pain relief, torn ligaments, tissue nourishment, and more.

News Publications

"Fully rested sleep"

“Two words… Deep sleepI found myself calm and relaxed during and after the shirodhara. The biggest surprise was clarity. My mind was clear and focused and then later those evenings I went into an amazingly fully rested sleep.” – Anonymous, Chattanooga, TN

"Brain fog is gone"

“I had severe GI issues, chronic fatigue, and brain fog. I had a difficult time getting through the day and struggled at work to think clearly and make decisions. Since working with Jennifer, my GI symptoms are much improved and my brain fog is gone. Overall, I am feeling like a different person. Jennifer was kind and gentle when I was not feeling well. She gave me meaningful and effective changes that worked. Using the app was easy and it was wonderful to have answers to my questions so quickly. This was a great experience.” – Anonymous, Public Health, Chattanooga, TN

"Sleep is now deeper"

“I had severe GI issues, chronic fatigue, and brain fog. I had a difficult time getting through the day and struggled at work to think clearly and make decisions. Since working with “My sleep is now deeper and more restful. I feel healthier and more rested. I feel fortified with knowledge on how to take good care of myself, and that just makes for a nicer life.” – P.H., Management, Chattanooga, TN

NEW Location June 1st!

Ancient Traditions Wellness Spa
(Inside ‘Lucidity Float and Wellness Center’)

1405 Cowart Street, STE 115
Chattanooga, TN 37408

(423) 521-0083


Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday 10:00am – 4:30pm
Sunday 10:00am – 4:30pm