Have you ever wondered what Ayurveda recommends when traveling? We have compiled a list of Ayurvedic recommendations for each aspect of traveling, from the plane to home away from home. Keep reading to find out more!


  • Avoid alcohol and coffee. A glass of red wine may seem like a good idea on the plane, but it will dehydrate you more quickly than water alone. Likewise, caffeinated beverages like soda or coffee do nothing to hydrate the body.
  • Eat foods that will help you stay hydrated (and energized). Because food and water are often hard to come by at high altitudes, it’s important not to skip meals while traveling—not only does this increase your risk of hypoxia from dehydration, but it also makes it harder for your body to refuel after a long flight. Instead, eat snacks rich in electrolytes (such as coconut water) and include some protein with every meal or snack so that you don’t feel too hungry throughout the flight. Try these Ayurvedic tips:

Hotel or Home Away From Home?

If you are staying in a hotel, it is important to be aware of how the room will affect your energy balance. Rooms can be dry and overheated, which can lead to dehydration and lack of sleep. To counteract this effect:

  • Bring a humidifier with you. If you have one at home or work, bring it along as well! You may want to use it while traveling in order to get used to using it before returning home.
  • Use a cold compress on your face (especially around the eyes) when going from outside into an air-conditioned building that has been heated up by people inside for hours on end without ventilation for those same reasons listed above (i.e., heat loss). This helps with reducing inflammation and swelling due to dryness caused by being outside during hot weather for too long without taking breaks; it also helps reduce puffiness under eye area because of swelling after waking up from sleeping through most/all night (depending on how much sleep).

Sightseeing and Eating Out

While sightseeing and eating out, try to eat foods that are light, easy to digest, and fresh. Avoid eating heavy foods such as fried snacks and oily dishes. Spicy and oily dishes are also not recommended if you are traveling for long. Cold food can upset your digestion especially during travel. Avoid eating hot or very hot food because it increases the body temperature and weakens your digestive fire which may lead to indigestion or other health problems.

It is better to eat fruits before lunch or dinner rather than after meals as they will help in proper digestion of heavy meals like rice-based curries etc., In case there is no fruit available one can have light salads with lemon juice dressing before meal time as salad contains green leaves that provide alkaline environment for proper absorption of food in stomach thus improving digestion process

Meals on Airplanes and at Hotels

If you are traveling on an airplane, it is best to eat a healthy breakfast at home before you leave for the airport. This will help keep your energy levels even and prevent blood sugar crashes during your flight. If you are not able to eat before departure, then try to make sure that meals on board are healthy and nutritious as well.

At hotels, pack snacks that contain protein and fiber (nuts/seeds) so that they will give you lasting energy throughout the day instead of being high in empty calories like candy bars or chips. You should also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and night while traveling, especially if there is alcohol involved! Alcohol can dehydrate you really fast so keeping yourself well-hydrated will ensure that this does not happen!

Medicinal Herbs and Spices for Traveling

As you know, herbal teas are great for digestion, but what about herbs and spices?

Like tea, herbs and spices can aid digestion by helping to breakdown food in the stomach. They also have other benefits beyond aiding digestion:

  • Herbs like ginger or turmeric can help with jet lag and sleep regulation. The aromatic oils in these herbs bind to receptors in your nose that affect how quickly you fall asleep, how long you stay asleep, and whether or not it feels like a restful sleep. The compounds from some of these plants may even help regulate serotonin levels (the “feel good” hormone) in the brain!
  • Herbs like mint and cilantro will help with stress-induced indigestion by calming down your nervous system so that blood flows more freely throughout all systems of your body—including those responsible for digestion! Mint also has antispasmodic properties which means that it can reduce muscle tension caused by eating too fast or too much at once (which we all do sometimes). So try adding some freshly chopped mint leaves into salads or soups on this trip instead of just throwing them into drinks as usual!
  • Spices such as fennel seeds have been used historically as natural remedies for abdominal bloating due to gas formation after meals rich in high-fiber foods such as beans/legumes because they contain volatile oils known as phenylpropanoids which act directly on intestinal smooth muscle leading to relaxation without affecting motility or secretions from intestinal glands; thus reducing gas build up during travel time periods when eating out could be limited due to lack of availability options nearby destination locations without access


In a nutshell, here are five things you should do before traveling to ensure that your journey is as smooth and balanced as possible:

  • Arrange for a flight at an optimal time of day.
  • Take herbal supplements with you.
  • Travel with a friend.
  • Avoid sugar and caffeine while traveling (or at least minimize them).
  • Try to get some sleep on the plane if possible.*


We hope that the tips and recommendations we’ve given will help you with your travels. Remember, Ayurveda emphasizes balance in all aspects of life, including travel. So remember to stay hydrated on any long flights and make sure to get enough sleep, even if it means taking some herbal supplements before bedtime!